Aquarium care: this should be the focus of your aquarium care 

Use your aquarium to create a new, individual room concept in your home. Whether as a stylish eye-catcher in the living room, a colourful highlight in your favourite corner or a peaceful spot in your home office. You can add your personal dream aquarium to your home and enjoy it from every conceivable angle. Our range of aquarium designs provide the perfect backdrop for this. Find out more about our convenient, timeless products here.


Observe: Look out for changes in the behaviour and appearance of fish and/or plants. If you experience any problems, our first aid tips or dealers can help.

Feeding: It is best to feed several times a day, depending on the species of fish and the number of aquarium inhabitants. However, only add as much food as can be eaten within 2 to 3 minutes. Too much food adversely affects the ecological balance in the water. Choose food that matches your fish stock, such as ORGANIX fish food varieties. This minimises indigestible proteins and therefore reduces water pollution. 

Fertilise: Add the specific fertiliser required by your plants, following the dosage instructions. 



Test the water: Test the water values every week. Use test strips as an indicator. You can also have the water tested by a dealer and ask for their advice.

Tip: It is best to test the water in the morning just before the first light. This is when the water has its lowest oxygen saturation and you get more meaningful values. 

Replace the water: Replace around a third of the water each week – never replace all of the water at once. When changing the water, we recommend special products such as LessStress water purifiers and WaterBalance Boost bacteria to provide your fish and filters with all the support they need. 

Care: There are tools and problem solvers to ensure that your plants and fish are supplied with all the nutrients they need. For example, the AquariumActiv series includes a large selection.



Stabilise water values as required: Water pollution can become more serious over time. You can reduce pollution caused by organic waste, nitrite or ammonia using suitable bacterial products such as Boost-Mix or KickBoost clear water bacteria. Heavy metal and phosphate levels can be reduced with products such as QuickfilterAction phosphate remover

Tip: If water pollution increases sharply, it is best to use the products for 14 days, depending on the type of pollutant. 

Fertilise: In addition to daily and weekly fertilisers, we recommend using a slow-release fertiliser, such as PlantGrow slow-release iron

Tip: If the plants start to show signs of distress, use this product every 14 days. 

Clean the filter: Clean the filter medium, following the manufacturer's instructions, or replace it as required. It is important never to clean the filter at the same time as replacing the water. You can then add products that support the filter, such as BoostMix clear water bacteria


Every six months

Care: You can support the filter with special products to promote nitrate breakdown in the water, in order to prevent nitrate pollution and therefore prevent algae growth and weakened fish. For example, FilterAction nitrate remover


While you are on holiday

Replace the water two days before departure. Additional technical products such as the FishGuard feeder can then automatically take over the daily feeding. Plants in good condition can go without fertiliser for a length of time.

SOS – is your aquarium losing its equilibrium? 

Despite careful care, your aquarium sometimes needs first aid.